From the Nosebleed Section: Review in Sports

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Compounding the Lakers' Woes

Now that the Lakers are running two thirds of a roster, Radmanovic's foolish snowboarding mishap only hurts more...for both the Lakers and the player. One of his issues in Seattle was that he was not getting enough starting time, which was also a complaint this season. If he had been smart and rested or trained during the All-Star break, like someone with a five million dollar annual paycheck for playing a game should, he would be playing thirty minutes a game and giving himself a chance to prove that he should have a more significant role when players return from injury.
Lamar Odom's injury is yet another reason that Radmanovic's winter fun hurts the Lakers' playoff hopes. Kobe can only go so far with a sparse roster filled with aging vets and young players. Granted, I was happy that they held onto Bynum instead of trading him for an old and battered Jason Kidd. Scottie Pippen was not the answer and definitely wouldn't want to join a broken-down team. Radmanovic could have surprised critics and proved that he was worth his salary. Now, Laker fans are doomed to pray we make the playoffs and hope the troops don't get any thinner.



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